Debutant director BH Tharun Kumar and young boy Aslam Khan had delivered a surprise success in the form of comic flick NAYEE PADOSAN which was released 5 years back. Now the duo returns with yet another laughaton entertainer, RAFOO CHAKKAR, which has VJ Yudisthar (popularly known as Yudi) making his debut as a leading man on the big screen.
The film has been in the making for some time but is now being readied for a release on 26th September. The film stars pretty girls Nauheed Cyrusi and Nisha Rawal (who made her debut earlier this year with HASTEY HASTEY opposite Jimmy Sheirgill) as the leading ladies.
Touted to be a cool film with fun and laughs galore, RAFOO CHAKKAR is the story of Pappu (Yudi) and Munnu (Aslam Khan) who play twins and are always up to some pranks, 'masti' and 'maza'. On the other hand Millie (Nauheed Cyrusi) and Julie (Nisha Rawal) have the same outlook in life as well though they don't believe in marriage. Pressurized by their father to get married, they run away from home, only to fall in love with Pappu and Munnu. However, the two turn out to be the same guys with whom their father wanted them to marry in the first place!
The film also sees other interesting characters like, Kokila (Archana Puran Singh) and Koena (Meeta Vasisht), two middle–aged sisters, who hate men and never want to get married. However, fate takes a sudden turn and Pappu/Munnu end up getting married to Kokila/Koena. What happens next is a confusion galore which leads to numerous humorous situations.
Also starring Shakti Kapoor, Sadashiv Amrapurkar, Tinu Anand and Anant Mahadevan, RAFOO CHAKKAR has music by Lalit Pandit and is all set for a release on 26th September.
Bollywood Paradize