I'm heartbroken that they're phasing out the polaroid. I love polaroid pictures and their spontaneity and permanence. Here are some recent finds I wanted to share with you...
Porter Hovey Polaroid Project
Found via Frankie magazine: the Porter Hovey Polaroid Project features happy snaps of the everyday and the touristic in good ol' New York City.
Skyscrapers with Sun Burst
Sweet Leaf
I really want to go back to New York...
Ten Minutes
Oh Flickr; the thought of having to sift through all your photos used to overwhelm me (I feel the same way about youtube. I know. I'm weird). BUT you're growing on me! Here's what I uncovered recently: Ten Minutes' cheerful, saturated polaroids. The bright hues take me back (way back) to my childhood, like so...
Your Cover's Blown
Your Cover's Blown is a really cute blog by Hila in Perth. She has also just opened an etsy store for her soft, nostalgic polaroid prints. Go check it out!
Vintage Shoes in the Sun, US$15.00
Ballet Shoes, US$15.00
Peeking Through the Curtain, US$15.00