Danny Roberts is a 23-year-old artist from Newport Beach, CA who studied Fashion Illustration at The Academy of Art in San Francisco. After winning the freelance category at Cal Poly's Art and Design Annual Juried Student Show, Danny went on to display his pieces at the AAU School of Fashion in 2007 and illustrate their Lookbook for New York Fashion Week in 2008. He has been featured on FashionOffice.org and WGSN Generation Now, and is currently finalising publication of "The Character Sketchbook" and illustrating a children's book called "Ginger Marmelade Toastmiester" by Sophie Ward.
The Girls In Glasses, US$200
How cool is this illustration of the Chanel girls? It's my desktop background at the moment! Check out his blog here and order prints here.
Photo credits: http://igorandandre.blogspot.com