Örvar-Odd informs Ingeborg about Hjalmar's death, by August Malmström (1859)
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Puzzle by John Farmer, edited by Will Shortz
EVEN (49D. Like each answer in this puzzle - also each word in each clue - in length) is even so in this uneven and dare-one-say odd Thursday crossword. Searching the web for something, anything to illustrate this look-ma-no-hands crossword, I found that Even is a Scandinavian male personal name, while coincidentally, Odd is also a common Norwegian name. Trivia, anyone? That said…
Across: 1. Athletic shoe manufacturer, ADIDAS; 7. Some camcorders, RCAS; 11. Arabic characters, NUMERALS; 14. Sister city of El Paso, JUAREZ; 16. Bygone Chrysler, IMPERIAL; 17. Straight, UNBENT; 18. Asti SPUMANTE; 19. Desserts in Rome, GELATI; 20. “… kissed thee ERE I killed thee”: Shak.; 21. Umps, REFS; 23. Greenpeace subj., ECOL; 24. “Georgy Girl” star Lynn REDGRAVE; 26. Spot to moor, COVE; 27. “Jane Eyre” et al., NOVELS; 29. Summer drinks, ADES; 30. Diminutive tree, BONSAI; 33. “Who’s Next?” singer/songwriter/satirist, LEHRER; 35. Venice Film Festival locale, LIDO; 36. Rhythm band instrument, MARACA; 38. Deal breakers, on occasion, EGOS; 39. Laboratory sessions, TESTINGS; 43. Aforementioned, SAME; 44. Relative of Thos. Or Wm., DANL; 45. Noteworthy name in lens care, RENU; 46. Gyro inventor, SPERRY; 48. Suffer from high humidity, e.g., FEEL WARM; 51. Choice, OPTION; 52. Professional filmgoer, REVIEWER; 53. Remove skin from, as whales, FLENSE; 54. Neon sign on many diners, OPEN LATE; 55. Pieces of work?, ERGS; 58. Fitted together, NESTED.
Left: Even Wetten
Down: 1. Tropical avians, ANIS; 2. Construction site conveyance, DUMPER; 3. Contaminated, IMPURE; 4. Judged, DEEMED; 5. Forces to answer an indictment, ARRAIGNS; 6. Bygone pitching star Johnny SAIN; 7. Viking letter, RUNE; 8. Transportation on tracks, CABLE CAR; 9. Prefix with triple digits, AREA CODE; 10. Dispatched (to), SENT OVER; 12. Venice premier of 1853, LA TRAVIATA; 13. Jacket part, SLEEVE; 14 Liquor containers, JUGS; 15. Scrabble 10-pointers, Z TILES; 22. Gave in to exhaustion, FELL ASLEEP; 25. Wander, ROAM; 28. Church offshoot, SECT; 30. Rudy Giuliani turf, BIG APPLE; 31. Dash instrument, ODOMETER; 32. Punk facial decoration, NOSE RING; 34. Forehead border, HAIR LINE; 35. Thinks LESS OF (disesteems); 37. Brad of “Sleepers”, RENFRO; 40. Uprights on staircases, NEWELS; 41. Really bother, GNAW AT; 42. Employer of Clouseau, SÛRETÉ; 44. Newton fraction, DYNE; 47. “ER” doctor, ROSS; 50. TV palomino, MR ED.
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Puzzle available on the internet at
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