The infamous hoody from Beyonce’s latest video ‘Irreplaceable,’ is sold out on Dereon.com. Since Bey wore it in the video and to a couple of TV appearances the site and stores haven’t been able to keep any in stock. This has prompted opportunistic individuals to sell their brand new, original Dereon Hoodies for up to and above $200! Peep this bid on ebay, already at $260.
One man from Boston tracked the last hoody down to a mall in Akron(?) He is offering any willing volunteer with time on their hands and an appreciation for Beyonce’s fine craftsmanship, to head to the mall, pick up said hoody, and ship it to him in Boston. PRONTO. Of course, volunteers will be fully reimbursed and receive an extra $100 for their efforts!
I have no idea what the original price was, but you can get these other two hoodies from Forever 21 and Karma Loop for much cheaper. Granted they don’t have fur lining the inside, but I think you’ll survive!