Choose Your Own Adventure

Inspiration Board, by Jen Gotch at My Polaroid Blog

Here are some links to get your creative juices going:
  • 52 Projects - Dedicated to providing people with the motivation to work on projects they're struggling to complete. Lots of links to cool ongoing art projects.

  • Inspire Me Thursday - Each week, readers are challenged to create a mixed media piece based on a new source of inspiration.

  • Mr Picassohead - Use Picasso elements to create your own image. It's like playing with Mr. Potatohead on the computer - so addictive.

  • The Scratchboard - A free flash-based drawing board. Multiple people draw on a screen before it gets refreshed every few minutes.

  • Self Portrait Challenge - Pretty self-explanatory. Readers submit portraits of themselves as a vehicle for self-reflection and self-expression.

  • SwarmSketch - This ongoing canvas is a community project. Each person can contribute a small length of line to a drawing.
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