P Diddy's 'dime piece' (I hate that term!) is no longer happy with just being branded as 'Puffy's gal', so Kim Porter, and two of her friends started the events planning company
'Three Brown Girls.' 3bg's aim is to combine various forms of 'authentic' entertainment by popular recording artists, actors, authors and athletes. Starting in Atlanta and New York, Diddy's restaurant
Justin's has hosted regular nights, known as
Lip Service, by the company for the affluent, young African-American crowd. Three Brown Girls, LLC is comprised of Kim Porter (international supermodel!!!!!!!!!!!), Nicole Johnson (America's Next Top Model official style team), and Eboni Elektra (infamous radio and television personality). To add your name to their mailing list visit
www.threebrowngirls.comPicture above: Nicole Johnson, Eboni Elektra, and Kim Porter of Three Brown Girls