01.09.11 — ASK, the Diagramless

Conquering the Storms by Thomas Kinkade


Sunday, January 9, 2011

DIAGRAMLESS, Puzzle by Mike Nothnagel, edited by Will Shortz

Tough stuff! O.K., start in the seventh square across with SLAV (1. Czech, Pole or Croat), skip three, IAMS (5. Big pet food brand). 1-Down is SPOT (Lady Macbeth had a “damned” one), the P in SPOT supports SPIGOT, which is 9-Across (Faucet), skip a space after SPIGOT, then ANJOU (11. Pear variety) finishes the line — so now, the results of 1 through 8 down reveal the next line across which is THOMAS KINKADE (15. *Modern American artist known as the Painter of Light), part of the interrelated group of this challenging second Sunday crossword, e.g., six entries containing the word ASK, clued by 65-Across, INQUIRE WITHIN (65. Phrase on a help-wanted sign … or a hint to the answers to the six starred clues): THOMAS KINKADE, TO A SKY LARK (24A. *Shelley ode that begins “Hail to thee, blithe spirit”), JUDAS KISS (40A. *Act of betrayal), DAS KAPITAL (52A. *1867 Marx treatise), HULA SKIRTS (14D. *Hawaiian dancers’ garments) and HAS KITTENS (28D. *Blows one’s stack). Ask not what your crossword can do for you …

Remaining across — 12. Granite State sch., UNH; 17. Turn one’s stomach, NAUSEATE; 19. One of the Flanders kids on “The Simpsons”, TODD; 20. Ballot marks; XES; 21. Not on the coast, INLAND; 22. Pretend to be, POSE AS; 27. Cross seen in hieroglyphics, ANKH; 29. Draft org., SSS; 30. Newcastle, e.g., ALE; 31. Jeweler’s crowning achievement?, TIARA; 34. Like dried mud, CAKY; 36. Den mother’s charges, CUBS; 37. Jettison, DEEP SIX; 39. One of four in a grand slam, for short, RBI; 42. Fish in Japanese gardens, KOI; 43. What TV and radio hosts get, AIR-TIME; 45. Elbow protectors, PADS; 46. Smashing result?, BITS; 47. Chaser’s line, GET ‘EM; 48. Privy in a pub, LOO; 49. Was idle, SAT; 50. School grp. Advocating safety behind the wheel, SADD; 56. Help-wanted sign?, MAY DAY; 58. “You think I won’t?!”, DARE ME; 59. Jamaican-based music, SKA; 62. Swerve, VEER; 63. “Gilligan’s Island” ship, SS MINNOW; 68. Vicious of punk rock, SID; 69. Rains cats and dogs, POURS; 70. Recover from a snowstorm, DIG OUT; 71. A young one is called a cygnet, SWAN; 72. Pickup site?, NAPE.

Down — 2. Green fruit, LIME; 3. Ottoman officer, AGA; 4. Russian program that produced the first manned spaceflight, VOSTOK; 5. Tattoo, in slang, INK; 6. Cleanser named for a Trojan War hero, AJAX; 7. Most frequently occurring value, in statistics, MODE; 8. Files a case, SUES; 9. Of dubious character, SHADY; 10. Some ring finishes, TKOS; 11. Moderately slow passages, ANDANTES; 12. Condo, e.g., UNIT; 13. iPod NANO; 15. Charity runs, often, TEN KS; 16. What a germ might become when it grows, IDEA; 18. Pert, SASSY; 22. Start a CD, perhaps, PRESS PLAY; 23. CD trouble, SKIP; 25. See 36-Down, LAUDE; 26. Actress Jessica, ALBA; 32. Laugh-until-you-cry occasion, RIOT; 33. Turning point?, AXIS; 34. Steep, rugged rock, CRAG; 35. “ABIE Baby” (“Hair” song); 36. With 25-Down, diploma phrase, CUM; 37. Got a C, say, DID OK; 38. Tricky road curve, ESS; 40. “Garfield” cartoonist, JIM DAVIS; 41. Evil “Get Smart” group, KAOS; 44. Angels or Devils, TEAM; 46. Scottish child, BAIRN; 49. 2010 World Cup champion, SPAIN; 51. One covering up the gray, say, DYER; 52. Passenger on the Beagle, DARWIN; 53. Let in, ADMIT; 54. Parisian possessive, AMOI; 55. More than off-color, LEWD; 57. Monopoly card, DEED; 59. Tastes, SIPS; 60. Be acquainted with, KNOW; 61. Blue shade, AQUA; 63. Station, STOP; 64. Actress Elisabeth SHUE; 66. Mantel piece, URN; 67. Supermarket chain, IGA.


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Puzzle available on the internet at

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