Who is Jurnee Smollett you say... Remember that little girl from 'Eve's Bayou'? The main characeter who played Meagan Good's sister? That is her! She certainly grew into a beautiful young woman. Eve and Lil' Kim are scaring me with their respective looks.... Eve's hair is just plain frightening and I see she's feeling the current plaid trend and even though purple is my favorite color, Lil' Kim has managed to repulse me in that outfit. Cassie on the other hand is rocking that belt-over-a-man's-shirt look, I think it's cute but I don't know if i'd actually have the nerve to work it on the streets of D.C. I saw a girl in a club once wearing just a shirt, some 3-inch heels and a big afro... babygirl looked F.I.E.R.C.E!