I’d never heard of
Genevieve Jones until I read about her on the blog
Fashion Nette-Work. For those of you familiar with her please humor me one moment… Apparently, Miss Jones is a New York socialite and that’s pretty much all I can tell you! The details of her life are closely guarded. She has been heard on occasion to cite ‘Interior Designer’ as her occupation, but it’s unclear if she works for herself or for a company. Other details I found out about her were that she has no degree, isn’t an heir to millions of dollars and doesn’t date any one famous. In any case Genevieve is a muse to many top designers and it’s easy to see why, her poise and class are undeniable. I found photos of her on
www.style.com and you can learn more about her at Socialite Rank
here and
here – The story of how she climbed up the social ladder is remarkable!