What A Day

So today we did both of my children's birthdays, my son is turning 5 and my daughter just turned 4. We took them to the Gulf Coast Zoo, which is MUCH smaller than I am used to, but nicer, you actually get to get up close and see the animals. I got licked by a giraffe today. There was one monkey, i couldn't name it, but it was almost singing opera, and was so hilarious. Then as we were leaving, we went to the gift shop so my kids could each pick out one item, and i see these monkeys hanging up. All of them were tan, brown, white, dull colors, but right in the middle of them all, there was a blue one. Blue Monkey is my personal symbol of prosperity, and i have done a number of pieces on it, including this one. I had to have it, and shelled out $13 for it. But to me, that is well worth having a blue monkey.
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