Left: Lace Trimmed Doll Halter, Cynthia Steffe, $150.00, available at www.girlshop.com
Right: Chantilly Open Toe Pumps, $110.00, House of Dereon
Left: B-feather, $49.95, Steve Madden (On Sale!)
Right: Sienna Top Zip, $75.00, Guess Left: Byzantine Halter Dress, $27.80, Forever 21
Right: Denim Ruffle Cat Skirt, $72.00, Baby Phat
Never go to the mall if you don't have money... NEVER! And if you must go online avoid all fashion websites, ebay is particularly seductive. If you can't afford to buy anything you just get depressed thinking about that item you can't have but would go with everything in your closet and if you do have the money, but know you shouldn't spend it, you're going to give in to the temptation anyway... and don't get me started on peer pressure! ''Yes, of course you need another pair of black stilettos'' my 'friends' say... you paying my bills?! Well i'm proud to say i've been good recently, but if I were to relapse these are the items i'd buy... ;)