Not since the eighties has ghetto gold been so fabulous. Celebrities know that if they need a pair of show-stopping earrings for a music video or television appearance they should head to Jackie Nicole.com. Everyone from Mary J. Blige to Sarah Jessica Parker has donned a piece of their jewelry (see pics above) and now us mere mortals can get in on the action. Purchase very reasonably priced earrings, necklaces and more at www.jackienicole.com. Prices range from roughly $10 to $30. They even stock the pair of ‘zodiac’ earrings that Beyonce wore in her “Irreplaceable” video (see here). Their site is currently undergoing some changes but you can get an early look at their inventory and decide which ‘door knocker’ earrings would make Salt ‘n’ Pepa proud!

Note: Have an earring fetish? Then you’ll love these paper inspired pieces.