1. Have you always worked in fashion? If not, why the change in career?
I've always had a passion for fashion, although I have no formal education in fashion or design. I just decided that it was time to do something that I truly enjoyed, and this was a natural choice for me because it has always been a hobby.
2. Why did you decide to start an online boutique as opposed to say opening a physical location?
I felt that a web store could reach a larger customer base than a brick and mortar boutique, while offering lower prices and the ability to add new items quicker.
3. Where do you buy your stock and what draws you to certain items/designers?
I use a number of suppliers and importers that don't sell directly to the public. I look high and low for new items and independent designers that are offering something unique in the marketplace.
4. I understand you make some of your pieces, what are your inspirations?
I get inspiration from African, Latin, European, and Asian cultures, nature, interior design books, art, fashion, and people-watching.
5. Did you come up with a business plan before launching the site? What resources did you use to draw up the plan?
Yes, I did create a business plan, but mainly to organize my own thoughts.
6. Are you worried at all that you are in an already saturated market (i.e. online accessories boutiques)?
No, I believe there's room for everyone. It's about having a clear understanding of what you do best and focusing on reaching your potential customers and keeping your current customers. When you do something you love, you're going to be passionate about it, and the success part happens, not without a lot of hard work, but it does happen.
7. What's your marketing strategy and how do you get your name out there?
Aggressive online advertising has been key, as well as utilizing search engine optimization, so those who are looking for what I sell can easily find the site. Fabulous blogs like yours have also been very helpful in getting the word out to potential customers.
8. Are you the sole investor or did you approach others/bank for extra capitol? Basically, is it necessary to have a huge bulk of money set aside to start such a business?
I started the business with my own money (and not very much I might add). I was able to save a lot of money by doing things that can be expensive if you pay others to do them, like building the website and taking the photos, etc. but I felt strongly about being very hands on and I didn't want to start out in the red. Each person has to look at their situation to determine what funding source(s) to utilize.
9. What's the best advice you can give to someone who wanted to start their own online boutique?
Focus on selling something you're passionate about. Don't try to be everything to everyone, find your niche.
10. Where do you see the site in five years?
My goal for the site is steady growth and exposure. I hope to have an even greater selection of merchandise and to continue to improve the look and ease of navigation of the site.
Is there anything else that you want to add that you think might be helpful advice for I Like Her Style! readers?
I feel that networking is often overlooked in building and maintaining a small business. I for one wanted to change that, so I started a forum on http://www.sisterwoman.com/ to reach out to likeminded individuals who want to support and assist each other in starting and running a small business. There is so much information out there and so many people willing to share their experiences, so you don't have to learn through trial and error, which can be very costly. I post any useful articles and resources I find on the forum. I invite everyone interested, especially women of color, to join us. Click here to visit the site.
If you are a fashion journalist, publicist, fashion intern, boutique owner etc. and would like to be featured on the site email me!