Roadtrip Nation is a multimedia project that started when four college friends lacking career direction went on a summer roadtrip to interview inspiring people about "how they came to do what they love for a living". In the process, they met people like the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, the founder of Starbucks, Michael Jordan's sneaker designer at Nike, a Supreme Court judge and Maddona's stylist. Roadtrip Nation has spun off a PBS series, three books, an online community and an annual program for college students.

Check out the following interviews with people in the art/design scene:
- Ann Telnaes, Puliter Prize WinnerPolitical Cartoonist
- Richard Meier, Architect of the Getty Museum
- Joe Quesada, Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics
- Albelardo Morell, Photographer
- Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO a Product Design Firm
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