Thank you to whomever it was that introduced me to D.C. socialite Katie Rost – She’s stunning! Since the Genevieve Jones post, I’ve been interested in learning more about “Black American Princesses” (BAP’s) and their “role” in American society. It seems that Paris and Nikki Hilton are not alone up there on that pedestal. To my knowledge other black socialites include, Susan Fales-Hill (look for more pics of her on www.style.com), Paige Johnson, Mahogany Rhodes, Courtney & Chloe (based in Chicago) and of course Nicole Richie! There has been a strong emergence of middle to high-class families within the African American population, so why don’t we hear more about black socialites? Are they better behaved than their white counterparts? Less interesting to the American press? Or do they just not exist in large numbers? Either way I find it fascinating that these young women are floating around, brown-nosing and hob nobbing with society's 'finest'… What do you think?
As for Katie Rost, she was raised in Bethesda, Maryland by her German-American father and African-American mother. She worked on Capitol Hill before realizing her life long dream of becoming a fashion model. She’s making plans to move to Manhattan and conquer NY… Good luck to her.