For those who don’t know
June Sarpong is a British television presenter who I absolutely adore! I remember waking up to her and Vernon Kay on Sunday morning’s “T4” – Is that show even still on? Anyway, I’ve watched her style evolve and perfect itself since the beginning of her career and it seems to have peaked. I for one am so thankful that she did away with her excessive use of lip gloss (you Brits know what I'm talking about!) But I don’t just love her for her sense of style, June is one of the most charismatic TV personalities out there and I especially like that she’s a fellow African (Ghanaian to be precise). While researching I also found out that she spent a whole year in hospital when she was 14 after a serious car accident and she recently accepted the role as a Prince’s Trust Ambassador (Prince Charles founded the organization). She visited Ghana last year as part of the "Make Poverty History" campaign and she said of the experience,
“I don't think I'll ever be the same again. Every evening I have been in tears. It makes me appreciate my life in London so much. People who think they have got it hard should come and see this.” Real talk.
Note: That is not her man!!