I don’t write these posts just to put my sistas on blast; I do it because I think it’s essential to put the truth out there. You must have a heart of steel if you’ve never experienced the feelings of inadequacy the media images of women can sometimes stir. Above is another batch of photos demonstrating what we have come to know as “The Leap.”
I don’t actually believe Mary J. Blige really looks like this, it's a really bad pic, but in any case she looks like a different person with the aid of makeup. I’m glad she’s not afraid to step out in public as herself. There is no doubt that Rihanna is a beautiful girl, but clearly makeup helps accentuate her best features especially her eyes. And while both photos of Golden Brooks show her wearing makeup, there’s a big discrepancy between Mya Wilkes’ (L) and Golden Brooks' (R) – she should take her “Girlfriends” makeup artist everywhere or just go 'au natural.'
Now most of you may be aware of Doves’ “Campaign For Real Beauty.” In an effort to counter the media portrayals of women, Dove uses women like you and me in their ads and commercials. Watch the amazing video below that perfectly demonstrates “The Leap” in action and emphasizes how the media distorts the truth. Visit www.campaignforrealbeauty.com to find out more about Doves’ campaign and to read personal stories from various women.
Note: See the first and second part of “The Leap.”