I have been meaning to spotlight Ms. Roy for the longest time, but kept forgetting. You may recognize her as Damon Dash’s arm candy, but she’s much more than that. Rachel Roy unveiled her self-titled debut collection in the Spring of 2005 and although the label has stayed relatively under-the-radar, fashion insiders have been showering it with nothing but praise. I’m no expert, but I’d be willing to bet that this lady is going to go far. When I hear of music industry personalities and their family members starting up fashion houses I simply roll my eyes and keep my expectations low, but Damon and Rachel are proving to be the perfect investor-designer duo.
Rachel's design aesthetic sees vintage fused with contemporary, exuberance aligned with the understated elegance, while her classic designs ooze effortless sex appeal. The only quibble I have is with the pricing of the clothes… Alas, spending $2000 on a dress is not a reality for me right now. I doubt it is for most of us, but we can still visit www.rachelroy.com to look at her previous collections – The photos are so inspiring!