Have you guys heard of Dropsnap.jp? It's a Japanese street style blog that swings the spotlight onto the fashionable ladies of the Harajuku district in Tokyo. (Big kudos to The Clothes Horse for the endorsement.) Below are a few of my favorites - and they are TAME. You ain't seen nothing until you check out the blog, crammed full of crazily kaleidoscopic, outrageously thematic and almost intergalactically strange ensembles - each girl is truly a walking billboard for her own unique style!

This made me wonder how people would really dress if there was no fear of judgment (because as much as we like to think that we wear what we want, our wardrobes are subconsciously dictated by social norms). So I ask you to share - what one item of clothing would you wear if you really, truly didn't care what other people thought? Use your imagination! (Don't laugh, but I would love to own an Amelia Earhart-style pilot cap! No reason why.)