I just got through looking browsing this great book about Black British Style. It's called
'Seen: Black UK Style' by Jack Cunningham and Steve Lazarides. The book mainly consists of photographs taken on the 'urban scene,' that is the street, clubs, neighborhoods and the infamous Notting Hill Carnival. I remember a friend telling me about an exhibition she went to at London's Victoria Albert Musuem called
'Black Style.' It basically chronicled the evolution of African and Jamaican immigrant's style over the last 40 years and their fusion/assimulation into Western culture. It also highlighted the importance fashion plays in cultural and political environments. The musuem released it's own book called
'Black Style' by Carol Tulloch (2005). You can still view the exhibition's
web site, so if you want to see 'how we do' over in the U.K. check it out!