It's all about promotion people and the above ladies aren't messing about! Cassie really needs all the help she can get because if you've been reading other entertainment blogs like me, you'll know about the outrage over her 106 & Park performance last night! - Being cute in this world will take you far! As for Danity Kane, i'm actually feeling their style and music, but being signed to Bad Boy has pretty much sealed their fate! I don't know why Solange is promoting that straight-to-DVD mess, but WHATEVER pays the bills! And finally, Miss Eva Mendes, who I personally think is stunning, is out promoting a movie i've heard nothing about!...Get it together Fox Searchlight Pictures!
Note: Unless you are blind in your left eye, you should have noticed the 'Style Watch' feature on the left sidebar... Keep your good eye on it for all the latest red carpet and celebrity party trends! ;)