These pants have been around since forever and a day, but now more so than before, I see women wearing them with sky-scraper heels and lots of jewelery (I refuse to say 'bling bling!') Take a look at Ciara compared to Cameron and Halle, she really makes this look work! But be careful, you have to choose the right type of cargo capris for the right event, the pair you wear in the day may not work for the evening.
As a general rule darker pants work better for the evening and are more flattering for fuller figures (Ciara gets away with wearing a lighter shade because her stomach is ridiculously flat!) Cargo capris with numerous pockets are better for daywear, likewise capris above the knee are also better for the day. Lastly, the wider the pants, the more 'elegant' they look, so maybe save them for nighttime. Okay, so according to my theory Halle's pants work for both day and night, Cameron's are strictly day and Ciara's are perfect for evening! As I said before these are just general rules, but you get what i'm saying?! See above for 'My Picks!'