Teedra Moses arriving at the 3rd Annual Work Hard, Play Harder Lounge at the W Hotel last month in Los Angeles.
This dress has been seen on many-a-celebrity!
Ashanti, Jessica Simpson and Eva Longoria are just some to name a few, but even though it's been played out, i've never seen this color or print before. Teedra 'The Young Lioness' Moses looks so comfortable and relaxed in this dress, like being gorgeous just comes naturally to her! Did you know that she wrote Christina Milian's
'Dip It Low' and Trina's
'Here We Go,' as well as material for Mary J. Blige, Teairra Marí, and Nivea's
'Take My Love Away'?... Neither did I! This chick is seriously talented go pick up her album
'Complex Simplicity' and visit
www.teedramoses.com for more information on Teedra.