There just seems to be too much fashion madness out there right now! Most of you will know Aisha Tyler from Friends, afterall besides Gabrielle Union (who dated both Joey and Ross one episode), Aisha was the only black person on the entire show! Aisha has since had recurring roles in 'CSI' and 'Ghost Whisperer' and has recently completed two movies. Here she is wearing a crushed velvet dress in the LA heat! Is she crazy or just plain stupid?... And it wouldn't be so bad if the velvet was used to create a gorgeous dress, but this monstrosity is highly unflattering! LMAO at that bow running down the front of the dress! Suspect receives MAXIUM SENTENCE!!
Paula Patton is a Hollywood newcomer so one would think she'd pick a better dress for her first major red carpet. Maybe she doesn't yet have the access to the top designers, but I can't help but think she could do better than this? Now before you all think i'm being too harsh look at the back of this dress... Big Nay Nay!! She still looks great though, her hair and makeup are flawless!
Update: I just found out that Paula Patton is married to singer Robin Thicke! You learn something new everday!